Kleio: The Muse of History (Digital Painting)

Kleio, also known as Clio, is one of the nine Muses and is named the Muse of history. Her name is derived from the Greek verb kleô, meaning “to make famous” or “to celebrate.” A daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne, goddess of memory, Kleio is considered to dwell at either Mount Helicon or Mount Parnassos, or Pieria in Thessaly, near to Mount Olympus. She is often depicted holding an

Terpsichore: The Muse of Dance (Digital Painting)

Terpsichore, in Greek mythology, is one of the nine Muses and patron of lyric poetry and dancing (in some versions, flute playing). She is perhaps the most widely known of the Muses, her name having entered general English as the adjective terpsichorean (“pertaining to dancing”). Terpsichore’s name means “delight in dancing” and has been invoked as a metaphor for rhythm and ordered movement in the universe, such as mechanical oscillations. In this

Urania: The Muse of the Stars (Digital Painting)

Urania, in Greek mythology, is one of the nine Muses and the patron of astronomy. Urania dresses in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens. She is usually represented with a celestial globe to which she points with a little staff or compass, and depicted in modern art with stars above her head. She is able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars. Digital Watercolor Painting

Bearing the Fruit of Her Labor (Digital Painting)

This is the first full digital painting I’ve done in some time. It really inspired me to push my knowledge of how to execute a painting inside of Photoshop in addition to more traditional painting techniques. I’m still not sure how the idea came about, probably some mashup of thoughts fusing different shapes together. In the end, I’m very glad it did. All that is left to do is to