Bearing the Fruit of Her Labor (Digital Painting)

This is the first full digital painting I’ve done in some time. It really inspired me to push my knowledge of how to execute a painting inside of Photoshop in addition to more traditional painting techniques. I’m still not sure how the idea came about, probably some mashup of thoughts fusing different shapes together. In the end, I’m very glad it did. All that is left to do is to

Not Cruel, Just Terribly Proficient (Digital Painting)

Been sitting on this one for a bit, but it can’t be enjoyed sitting on my PC. I’m still learning theory and methods regarding digital painting and translating what little I know from traditional media. I struggle with it, though I am learning a lot with every image I produce. No matter, on to the next work and the thousands afterward. Tools: Photoshop Purchase A Print

Frantically Spinning Plates

It always feels like I have a lot of sketches and unfinished artwork on my desktop. There are so many things I want to put out there, many of which are in the process of being redrafted, colored, rendered or rough doodles. So I always feel a bit shaky posting things that aren’t “done”. As viewers, I feel like you all are robbed from much of my work. I’m drawing

Lucy & Ron: The Web Comic

Working with standup comedian and podcaster Ron Placone, we bring a loud and rebellious voice to his feline companion, Lucy, in the web comic, “Lucy & Ron”. Lending his talents as a writer and humorist, Ron crafted the scripts for every panel and page. With my skills as an illustrator, we brought the revolutionary animal to the masses. Running from 2019 to 2020, the series in full can be found

A Girl and Her Doll

I’ve been steadily working on a script for an animated short featuring the girl and her 3 meter tall golem (pictured above). I still have some other work to get through before I can grab this project fully again, but I’m eager to start doing the full storyboards. The script really took on a life of its own and many more characters came about through it. Lightning struck once, I’m